Eligibility Criteria for Dr. Asghar Ali Engineer Best Published Paper Award:
1. Original and well-researched paper.
2. Contemporary and relevant.
3. Quality contribution to the existing body of knowledge on:
a. Social and cultural diversity.
b. Islam and Social Issues like gender rights, human rights, social justice.
c. Communalism.
d. Communal harmony and peace.
e. Religion and society.
f. Secularism.
4. The applicant should be the sole author of the paper. Co-authored papers are not eligible for this award.
5. The paper must be written in English.
6. The word count of the paper should be between 12000 – 14000 words (including bibliography).
7. The paper submitted should be published in a peer-reviewed journal (print) in the year 2021 (between 1st January to 31st December 2021). Papers submitted for publication or ‘in press’ will not be considered.
8. The paper must mention the journal’s ISSN number in which it was published.
The Prize:
The winner of the Dr. Asghar Ali Engineer Best Published Paper Award will be awarded a certificate and a cash prize of INR 25,000.
Application Procedure:
1. The applicant should submit one copy of the published paper in a Probable Document Format (PDF) and mail it to csss.mumbai@gmail.com with the captioned subject.
Submission: Dr. Asghar Ali Engineer Best Published Paper Award 2021-22.” A link to the online version of the paper will be appreciated.
2. Along with a PDF file another copy of the paper should be submitted in Word format which doesn’t mention the name of the author and the journal.
3. The mail body should clearly mention the following details:-
a. Title of the paper
b. Author’s name
c. Name and ISSN number of the Journal in which the paper is published
d. Month and year in which the paper is published
e. Word count of the paper including the bibliography
4. The deadline for submission is 30th October 2022 at 23h 59m (IST).
5. The submission must be made by the sole author of the paper.
Winner of the award will be declared in the month of December 2022
A jury consisting of eminent scholars will evaluate papers that meet the criteria. The decision of the jury will be final and binding.
Past winners of the Dr Asghar Ali Engineer Best Published Paper Award:
For the year 2020-21
Dr. P.K Yasser Arafath PhD and an Independent Researcher for his paper titled ‘Polyglossic Malabar: Arabi-Malayalam and the Muhiyuddinmala in the age of transition (1600s–1750s)’, published online by Cambridge University Press on 7th May, 2020.
For the year 2019-20:
Dr. Nazimuddin Siddique (PhD and an Independent researcher) was awarded for his paper titled ‘Discourse of Doubt: Understanding the Crisis of Citizenship’ in Assam published in Economic and Political Weekly ISSN No. 0012-9976 published on 9 March 2019.
For the year 2018-19:
Rahul Govind (Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Delhi) was awarded for his paper titled “Ambedkar’s Lessons, Ambedkar’s Challenges: Hinduism, Hindutva and the Indian Nation” published in Economic andPolitical Weekly Vol. 53, Issue No. 4, 2018.
For the year 2017-18:
Sadia Aziz (Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Delhi) was awarded for her paper titled “Mosque, Memory and State: A Case Study of Jama Masjid (India) and the Colonial State c.1857” published in The Polish Journal of Aesthetics, 47 (4/2017), Jagiellonian University in Kraków.
Background of the Award:
The Dr. Asghar Ali Engineer Best Published Paper Award was established in 2018 to promote the legacy of Dr. Asghar Ali Engineer (1939-2013) and his scholarly work on secularism, diversity, and Islam. He was a renowned Islamic scholar and human rights, activist. Dr. Engineer’s writings and works touched the lives of many and reflected his commitment to peace, secularism, and democracy in the country. He was the founder and Chairperson of the Centre for the Study of Society and Secularism.
For any clarifications:
Please write us on csss.mumbai@gmail.com or call us on 9987853173